Friday, 13 November 2009

Rescue or Rip Off Revisited

....Or would the title 'Buy One Get Two Free' actually be more apt?

Currently, the cost of 'rescuing' a horse from France does not seem to be being affected by the Credit Crunch in the UK or La Crise in France in that the prices of the horses requiring 'rescue' are not only healthy, but actually seem to be on the 'up'.

Sadly, the same cannot be said of the recent prices for ponies at two UK auction marts - Beaulieu Road and Brecon - where ponies were entering the ring in bunches of 3/4/5/6 at a time. The bunch each time went for a maximum of 18gns, making an average price per pony 3gns - thats £3.15 - yes, that price is correct!

At Beaulieu Road one INAG reporter came home with 3 very nicely bred pony colts for the minimum bid per head and came home with change from £50 including £7 per pony for updating the passport!

Whilst this state of affairs is worrying enough, the next auction at Beaulieu Road states that there will be NO MINIMUM BIDS for their next sale on 26 November -

Never has the phrase 'Charity begins at home' had more poignancy than now...


Blogger Fenix said...

How sad for these poor little ponies. Why on earth do people continue to import from France when there is such a crisis on their own doorstep?
Perhaps they should take note of the Princes Royal's recent comments about the horses leaving the UK for slaughter abroad. And that the UK needs more abattoirs.

13 November 2009 at 09:20  

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