Thursday 14 January 2010


100,000 horses are transported across Europe for slaughter every year. Horses can be slaughtered at source and transported as carcasses, thus there is no reason for live transport to continue. In France alone there are 111 abattoirs approved to slaughter horses. Thus is makes no humane or economic sense to continue with live transport.

Please contact your MEPs before the 21st January to ask them to sign the Written Declaration 54/2009.

If more than half of all MEPs sign this before 21st January 2010, we will be one step closer to ending these brutal and unnecessary journeys.

If less than half of the MEPs support the Declaration it will fail, weakening the case for new laws ending the long-distance transportation of horses to slaughter in the European Union.

Please take a few minutes to write to your MEPs so we can end these needless long haul journeys of horses to slaughter.

To find your MEP in Europe, go to this LINK, click on your country and then your region.

MEP letter French

MEP letter UK

Your efforts could make the difference that changes the future for these horses.


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